Raise split keyboard deliveries and shipping updates. Happy new year! 🎊

Raise split keyboard deliveries and shipping updates. Happy new year! 🎊

Happy holidays everyone!

After exactly 2 years of starting our Kickstarter project, we've finally shipped all Raise keyboards 🎉 

While some have been sent to their final destinations, most are still being shipped to our warehouse in Spain, where we will ship the remaining pre-orders and normal orders.

It's been quite a journey and no one truly expected it to take this long. We encountered a lot of hurdles but we have learned so much! We hope that for those who have already received their keyboards, the wait was worth it. And for those who are still waiting, we assure you it's worth the wait! 😄

Photos from backers who have received their Raise keyboards

We’re super happy to see people receiving their Raise keyboards and seeing photos of them around social media! 

When you receive your Dygma Raise, make sure to share it on social media too and add #dygmaraise so we can reshare it! 😁

Shipping status 


Most non-EU preorders have already been dispatched and are headed to their shipping destinations. Some backers, particularly in Japan, China, Australia, UAE, Singapore, and the Philippines have already received their orders, while the ones in the US have been receiving theirs one by one.

If you haven't received an email with your tracking number, this can mean that your order is part of the batch that is being shipped to Spain. Your keyboard will be shipped as soon as we receive it. If you have any doubts regarding this, you can email us at contact@dygma.com.

EU PRE-ORDERS and most web orders

Your keyboards are still being shipped to Spain and will arrive in the second week of January.

There was a delay in shipment because we had some logistics issues. To tell you the story clearly, you must be aware of the players in this particular scenario. We have our logistics partner in China, our assembly factory, and DHL.

We had 10 pallets to ship - 8 pallets full of boxes of Raise keyboards and 2 with extras.

The plan was simple. All pallets would be sent from our assembly factory to the logistics warehouse and then DHL would get those pallets and ship them to Spain. Easy, right? Nope! We thought it would be. But it wasn’t.

First issue: DHL wouldn’t ship them because we needed a document that stated what was inside each box in each pallet 😣

So, the people from the assembly factory had to check each box and see what was inside. Did this box have switches? Keyboards? Keyboards with which kind of switches?

After spending another day checking the boxes and creating this document, we called DHL.

Second issue: They told us that they needed the name of the exporter. We told them that we were the exporter. But they then said that the exporter needed to be a Chinese company. So we had to delay the shipment and talk to our assembly factory so we could put their name as the exporter.


Third issue: DHL then asked us for an invoice for the items that were inside each pallet. But the invoice we had was the one that had ALL pre-orders including the non-EU pre-orders. So we had to create another invoice to only include the EU pre-orders and the normal orders made from the website, and match it with what was inside each pallet. It took a few more days until we sent them the new invoice.

Everything was ready - DHL picked everything from our logistics warehouse. And when we thought we were done with the bureaucracies, someone in customs called us saying that the exporter (our assembly factory) didn’t have permission to export some components. This was the fourth issue.

We had to stop everything again. We had one of our consultants call the headquarters of that component to figure things out.

Luckily we were able to solve the problem but it still delayed shipment by more than a week! 

Now, all EU pre-orders and remaining orders are in transit to our warehouse in Spain and will arrive on the 2nd week of January. Once there, we will send the orders to their final destinations. It will take only a few days using DHL.

This was such a learning experience for us and it made us realize that there is still a lot to learn about international shipping. Even though we had a logistics partner and were constantly in contact with DHL, we still weren’t 100% prepared. It just goes to show that with these things you learn by experience and now we know better 😅


Why did we separate the EU pre-orders?

We separated the EU pre-orders because if we didn't, you (EU pre-orders) would need to pay the VAT in your country. By shipping the keyboards from Spain, we will be paying the VAT to the Spanish government so the taxes would be included in the money you pledged on Kickstarter.

Why are some web orders (that are non-EU) also being shipped to Spain? 

We delayed some of the web orders that didn’t have telephone numbers. We were told by the shipping company that they wouldn't ship the keyboard if the order didn't have a contact number. So we sent an email to those who ordered a Raise through our website, and asked for their telephone numbers. While waiting, we decided to ship the keyboards to our warehouse until we got the contact numbers that were missing. We couldn't leave those keyboards in China.


Changing shipping addresses

We received a few messages from people asking if they could change their addresses. We can no longer change the shipping address the moment we ship your keyboard to your address. If you've received your tracking number, this means we've already dispatched the keyboard and it is en route to your address.

But you can change the shipping address by simply calling your local post. The contact number should be on the webpage where you track your order www.trackingmore.com. You would need to tell them your name and tracking number and the new shipping address.

If you can't find the contact number or need any assistance with the delivery, you can email us at contact@dygma.com.

For the EU pre-orders and most web orders, we haven't dispatched your keyboards yet as they are still en route to Spain.

If you want to change shipping addresses, please tell us before January 10.

If you need to change shipping addresses and your keyboard has already been dispatched from our warehouse in Spain, then you would need to call your local post (follow the instructions above) and ask them to change it.

My Raise Page

My Raise Page has all the information and instructions you need to use your Dygma Raise keyboard.

There you will find steps on how to:

Connect your Raise to your computer 

Properly remove your mechanical switches

Create fancy layouts with different color and keymap configurations

Import and export layers in our configurator software, BAZECOR, and many more!

If you have any technical questions regarding the product or software, you can email us at myraise@dygma.com.

That’s all for now and for this year!

The last days of 2019 have been intense but we are extremely happy that some of you have already received your Dygma Raise keyboards. At least we were able to fulfill some orders before the year ended  🎉

It’s been an awesome 2019! Thank you everyone!

Now looking forward to 2020, a new year, a new decade! Let’s make it epic!

- Dygma Team


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